The Conversation so far…

“Buildings are for people, and people matter to God”.

Building survey

St Mark's is a growing congregation with significantly ageing infrastructure. In 2018, St Mark's voted to build new, fit for purpose facilities to address Chapel's infrastructure needs. The mandate given to the St Mark's Building Committee (SMBC) is to bring into being church facilities that cater for the various needs of both existing and future St Mark's congregations in a timely and financially wise manner.

In late 2021, the SMBC released a survey for all St Mark’s members to complete. There will be ongoing opportunities for input into the St Mark's Chapel building program - this survey is just one of many such opportunities. We will also be updating our building renewal webpage with more information as the project progresses - building renewal

Below are the responses to the survey. The comment sections of the survey are still being worked through by the Committee and will be available when complete. We thank you for your participation in this survey and look forward to the work ahead.

To contact the building committee, please email [email protected] or chat to one of the Committee Members on a Sunday.


Are you a current St Marks member?

There were 103 responses to the building survey. Thank you!

Prior to COVID19, which Sunday service did you attend most at St Marks?

We apologise for the confusion with the above options; they should have been 9:30 am, 4 pm, and 6:30 pm as these were the 3 service times prior to COVID-19.

What is your age bracket?

This shows a fairly even spread of ages across survey responses.

How important TO YOU, are the following EXTERIOR design elements in planning the new chapel infrastructure?

This table shows at least 56% of survey responses identified the above exterior elements as important, very important, or essential.

How important TO YOU, are the following design elements in planning the new chapel infrastructure? (DESIGN)

Other than “creating beautiful buildings”, 85% or more of responses identified the above design elements as important or above.

What seating capacity should be provided for?

77% of responses said capacity should be 400 or more seats.

How important TO YOU are the following design considerations?

80% or more of responses considered flexibility and integration of spaces as important or above.

Consider which of the following are important TO YOU in relation to MOVEMENT and access to the new building

The above responses indicate avoiding stairs and providing ramps are highly preferred. At least 66% of responses also indicate a level block, allowing for contingencies, and thought-out access is important, very important, or essential.

Which of the following materials would you like to see in the finishes of the building? (Aesthetics)

The majority of responses surveyed show some aesthetics are not important, while others are important. This may become clearer in the future with design impressions and plans/drawings for the congregation to review.

How important TO YOU are the following design elements in planning the new chapel infrastructure? (Spaces)

78% of responses selected the first 12 options of spaces as important or above. 68% and 56% of responses selected extensive play equipment and a fenced church block as important or above, respectively.

How important TO YOU, are the following design elements in planning the new chapel infrastructure? (Environmental Impacts)

At least 85% of responses consider environmental planning and impacts as important or above.

How important TO YOU, are the following design elements in planning the new chapel infrastructure? (Practicalities)

60% or above of responses considered the above practicalities as important, very important, or essential.

What activities should St Marks's new infrastructure provide specific spaces for?

This was a multi-select question. 63% or higher of responses want to see the above activities provided for.

How would you like to be kept up to date with the building project progress?

This was a multi-select question. Email and Digest were the main ways people would like to be kept up-to-date with the building project. In addition to this survey and the website, the Building Committee is also considering other communication channels such as; Small group meetings, Bible Study Q&A sessions, videos, and a notice board at the back of the church. We want to communicate openly and transparently as we work through this project.